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Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing cover

Beachball Crag

in Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing

by Tony Calderone

Mountain Dreamer

The right/west end of this crag is very popular with young families and youth...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Beachball Crag from Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Across From The wave5.7
Beach Blanket Bingo5.3
Beachball Arete5.4★★
Beachball Corner5.4
Breaking the Law5.10
Buddha Babies on the Beach5.6
His Feet Smell5.10★★
Masters of the Obvious5.5★★
Outside It's America5.12-★★
Reach the Beach5.6★★
Red Argyle5.5★★
Rip's Roof5.8★★
Rubble Without a Cause5.5★★
Shady Character5.7
Sneak-a-Peak Arete5.8-★★
SPF 255.10


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