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Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing cover

Bumble Bee Wall

in Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing

by Tony Calderone

Mountain Dreamer

photo of Bumble Bee Wall from Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Addis Ababa5.6
Charlie's Traverse5.6★★
Check Point Charlie5.9+
Eye in the Sky5.12a/b★★★★
Eyes Without a Face5.11-★★
Fowl Play5.9★★
Mercy Me5.9
Mercy Street5.7+★★
Perseverance Bulge Crack5.9★★★
Rebel Yell5.11
Rock Capades5.10+★★
Rotten Roost5.8
Sin Nombre5.9+★★★
The Bee Pitch5.8★★★
The Enemy Within5.12a★★★★
Trick of the Light5.11+★★
Unworthy of Title5.7
Winter in Waimea5.11d★★


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