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Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing cover

Dam Wall

in Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing

by Tony Calderone

Mountain Dreamer

photo of Dam Wall from Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing

Climbs in alphabetical order:

All Static and No Dynamic5.11d
Dam Fine Cracks5.8★★
Damned If You Do5.11b★★
Damned If You Don't5.11d
Day as Night5.9+
Error of Our Ways5.6
Fall Equinox5.8+
Goodro's Chimney5.6★★
I Ran to Afghanistan5.6
Iraq in the Back Attack5.6
Reservoir East Face5.4
Reservoir Ridge5.4★★★★
Shale for Sale5.7
Spinning in the Drain5.13a
War Clamor5.5


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