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Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing cover

Higher Education Crag - West

in Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing

by Tony Calderone

Mountain Dreamer

With a few exceptions, this crag is home to many difficult routes.

photo of Higher Education Crag - West from Big Cottonwood Rock Climbing

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Academia Nut5.11★★
Basic Aeronautics5.8★★
Big Man on Campus5.9+
Book Learnin'5.7
Chris Cranks a CO-ED5.10
Critical Reasoning5.12a★★
Dr. Luval Goes to Harvard5.11+★★
Education Ridge5.8
Frat Boy5.9+
Friends in Low Places5.7+
Full Ride5.13a★★★★
Grading on a Curve5.11★★★
Lycra at its Limit5.10
Mr. B Cranks a Feces5.11
Ms. Luval Cranks a Thesis5.12-★★
Order of Operations5.11c★★★
Party Girl5.10c★★
Physics of Flight5.11-★★
Pop Quiz5.11a★★
Reading Comprehension5.11c★★
The Dweeb5.9
The Graduate5.9-
The Professor5.12★★
Too Far to Travel5.8
Trail of Tiers5.11★★
Tuition Hike5.12a
Vocational Training5.9+★★


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