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Castle Rocks Idaho cover

Castle Rocks Idaho

by Tony Calderone

Mountain Dreamer

A hike through Castle Rocks State Park leaves the visitor wondering if this place was made for climbers. A high altitude desert. Not mountainous, but with rocks everywhere. Some rising over 500 feet. The current version of this guidebook includes:

- 112 sport routes

- 226 traditional routes

- 7 toprope routes

- 10 boulder problems

New routes and photographs are constantly added to improve functionality. GPS navigation, bolt locations and route lengths set this Castle Rocks climbing guidebook apart from any other. And it is all in your pocket. With 355 routes, this is the largest collection of routes ever published to Castle Rocks.

Sectors in alphabetical order:

Central Sector40 climbs in 6 sectors
East Sector155 climbs in 4 sectors
North Sector7 climbs in 2 sectors
South Sector126 climbs in 5 sectors
West Sector27 climbs in 6 sectors


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