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Castlewood Canyon State Park cover

Berthoud Cave

in Castlewood Canyon State Park

by Mike Burdon

This deep cave, with a long horizontal roof is home to some hard bouldering...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Berthoud Cave from Castlewood Canyon State Park

Image 1 of 5

Climbs in alphabetical order:

After BerthoudV6★★
Berthoud CanalV5
Berthoud Canal LowV9★★★
Berthoud HipsV7★★
Berthoud Hips RightV7★★
Giving BerthoudV7★★★
Gnome ChosskeyV8
J.T.'s ProwV5
Jaeger ProjectV10+
Savannah's ProwV3★★★

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