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Clear Creek Canyon cover

Monkey House

in Clear Creek Canyon

by Tod Anderson & Gordon Anderson

Stonefinders, Inc.

This is really just part of Wall of the 90s, but has been given a distinct name...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Monkey House from Clear Creek Canyon

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Ape Index5.13d★★
Convicted Felon5.12b★★★★
Face Full of Bush5.10d★★★
Fuzzy Monkey5.10a★★
Homeboy Bonanza5.12d
Monkey Bars5.12b★★★
Monkey Business5.11d
Monkey Pause5.12a★★
Monkey Puzzle5.10d
Monkey See, Monkey Do5.12b★★
Monkey Shine5.10c
New Pollution5.12c
Psycho Hose Beast5.11b
Punishment for Shoplifting5.10d
Schwing Salute5.11c★★
Soap on a Rope5.12c★★
The Sprawl5.12b


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