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Clear Creek Canyon cover

Tunnel 5 Sector

in Clear Creek Canyon

by Tod Anderson & Gordon Anderson

Stonefinders, Inc.

This sector comprises the crags around Tunnel 5, about 12 miles up-canyon, and...
[Full text available in guidebook]

Sectors in alphabetical order:

Aloof Roof5 climbs
Broken Angel2 climbs
Bunker13 climbs
Carbage7 climbs
Cat Slab Annex3 climbs
Cats vs Dogs Wall7 climbs
Catslab17 climbs
Creekside39 climbs
Death Valley17 climbs
Dog House13 climbs
Fiscal Cliff20 climbs
Graveyard22 climbs
Live Action Wall27 climbs
Mourning Glory18 climbs
Other Critters Wall22 climbs
Overflow6 climbs
Pearly Gates5 climbs
Play Pen9 climbs
Rabbit Hole7 climbs
Safari Wall24 climbs
Stoked Bowl6 climbs
Super Mario Crag1 climbs
Sushi Slab9 climbs
The Arrowhead2 climbs
The Fish Bowl6 climbs
The Oz9 climbs
The War Zone1 climbs
Trump Tower3 climbs
Turtle Head2 climbs


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