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Ontario: Devil's Glen cover

Sun Worshipper Wall

in Ontario: Devil's Glen

by G. Alexandropoulos & J. Dwyer

If It Bleeds We Can Kill It

This is the unmistakable tall streaked wall of compact rock that has numerous...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Sun Worshipper Wall from Ontario: Devil's Glen

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Bosch Goggles5.11b
Bye Bye Mother5.7★★★
Catch the Sun5.12d★★★★
Crispy Crimp Project5.12-
Legends of the Fall5.13b★★★★★
Peach Sparrow5.10a
Pinball Wizard5.6
Sun Worshipper5.10a★★★
Temple Of The Sun5.11c★★★★
Wild Fire5.13c★★★★★
“Waterfall” Project


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