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Hatcher Pass cover

The Monolith

in Hatcher Pass

by Kelsey Gray

Reinventing the Nomad

The Monolith has a storied past since it is one of the most obvious walls in...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of The Monolith from Hatcher Pass

Climbs in alphabetical order:

A Bullet From Fritz5.11a★★★
American Slab Dance5.10c★★★
Black Wall5.8★★
Center Slab5.10a★★
Checkered Dog5.9★★★★
Easy Rider5.7★★
Freedom Roof5.10a★★★★
Inside Right5.7★★★
Just One More5.8★★
Left Troll5.7★★
Local Motion5.7★★★
Orangutan Overhang5.9+★★★★
Shot on Sight5.10d★★★
Spring Fling5.8★★★
The Slot5.7★★★★★
Too Much Fun For You5.10b★★★★★
Vein of Gold5.10c★★★★★
Zig Zag5.9★★★


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