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China: Liming Rock cover

Vertical sector

in China: Liming Rock

by Michael Dobie

The second main sector of el dorado to be developed. A lot of vertical and long...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Vertical sector from China: Liming Rock

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Birthday Suit 5.10d★★★
DIY Cone of Shame 5.12c/d★★★★★
Faceplant into Rokk5.11b★★★★
Heresy! (left) ★★★★
Heresy! (right)5.11★★★★★
Honey Dew5.11b★★
Link up Quantum gravity left into Slapstick Monkey Machine★★★★
Project in the making
Quantum Gravity5.12d★★★★★
Quantum Gravity Left5.12b/c★★★★★
Slapstick Monkey Machine5.11d★★★★★
The Last Crusade 5.12b/c★★★★★
The last crusade Quantum Gravity Link-up5.12d★★★★★
Trans-destiny 5.11a★★★★★
Trans-destiny full ★★★★★
Unify the Ape People5.12b★★★★★
ZuZa 5.10b/c★★★★★
Zuza Full5.12a★★★★


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