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Million Dollar Highway cover

Beyond the Rind

in Million Dollar Highway

by Jason Nelson

Visual Adventures

This zone gets afternoon shade and has a worthwhile concentration of routes.

photo of Beyond the Rind from Million Dollar Highway

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Adventures in Wuhan5.10c★★
Assassination Attempt5.10b★★
COVID Corner5.11a★★★
Flatten the Curve5.11c★★
Flying Raisins5.11a★★
George Gardiner Memorial Offwidth5.9★★
Goat Ramp Chimney5.3
If I Only Had a Hammer5.6★★
Iron Lady5.12★★★★
I’d Hammer in the Evening5.11a★★
Just Drink Bleach5.11c★★★
Lab Test5.8★★
Nipple Pincher5.12★★
Pooey on Youey5.8★★
Social Distance5.11c★★★★
Who's Your Swami?5.10c★★


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