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Million Dollar Highway cover

Red Mountain Pass

in Million Dollar Highway

by Jason Nelson

Visual Adventures

Although the Red Mountain Pass area may or may not have Ouray’s best rock,...
[Full text available in guidebook]

Sectors in alphabetical order:

Engineer Pass Turn-off11 climbs
Misfits Wall and The Chunder Dome5 climbs
Mordwand4 climbs
Secret Stash6 climbs
Shang-Ri-La9 climbs
Slab of Despair3 climbs
Techno Crag24 climbs
Trough31 climbs
Waterfall Wall (left - PEMA)4 climbs
Waterfall Wall (Main Wall)8 climbs
Wicked Crag27 climbs
Zig Zag Crag10 climbs


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