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Moab Rock Climbing cover

Ice Cream Parlor - Southwest

in Moab Rock Climbing

by Tony Calderone

Mountain Dreamer

Expect high traffic.

photo of Ice Cream Parlor - Southwest from Moab Rock Climbing

Image 1 of 8

Climbs in alphabetical order:

A Good Day to Die5.9★★★★★
Black & Tan5.7+
Black Orb5.8+
Black Slab5.6
Black Slab Direct5.7★★
Brewed Awakenings5.4★★
Dicey Face5.9+
Freezer Burn5.10-★★★
Hot Karl Sundae5.10★★★★
ICP Crack5.11-★★★★★
Linda's Way5.10
Night Light5.10-★★★
Parlor Game5.9+
Pork Soda5.9
Pulp Friction5.11★★
RP City5.10+
Slab & Crack5.8-
Space Ghost5.7★★
The Coffin5.9★★★
The Gamble5.9
Vanilla Cream5.10+

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