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Moab Rock Climbing cover

Small Adventures Wall

in Moab Rock Climbing

by Tony Calderone

Mountain Dreamer

Located on the north side of Dead Horse Mesa Road (UT 313).

photo of Small Adventures Wall from Moab Rock Climbing

Image 2 of 6

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Beach Party5.11
Beyer Friction5.9★★
Big Bolts5.6★★
Kneeling Before Your Bounty5.8★★★
Master of Sport
Of Kors5.6
Put Your Hands on Me5.9★★
Refuse to Feel5.8★★
Roof Rout
Small Adventure5.11★★★★
Small One5.11c★★
Small Two5.12
Swimming in Your Ocean5.9-★★
The Calla Way5.9★★★
Tide to Tye5.8★★★
Tone Stef5.5★★
Warm Up5.10★★★
Your Own Personal Snakefest5.11

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