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Mt. Erie Climbing cover

Main Wall East

in Mt. Erie Climbing

by Dallas Kloke, Jim Thompson & Aaron Bryant

This section of the Main Wall is a wild-looking, steep area of near vertical to...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Main Wall East from Mt. Erie Climbing

Image 1 of 7

Climbs in alphabetical order:

A Time to Dance5.10a
Boogie Shoes5.12-★★★
Dances with Ticks5.10c/d★★
Dancin' with the Divine (Dallas Kloke Memorial Route)5.11+★★★
Dumbo Arete5.9
Fever Dreams5.11d★★
Flying High5.10c/d★★★
Forest Dweller5.8
Gotta Keep Dancin'5.9★★★
Lord of the Dance5.10a★★★
Main Wall East TR Solo Access
Mama's Little Monster5.6
Oyster Run5.9★★★
Restless Legs Syndrome5.10-★★★
Slayer in Surburbia5.10b★★
Sunshine and Shadow5.8★★
Sunshine on a Dark Day5.7★★
Tour de Wall5.9★★★

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