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New River Rock Vol. 1 cover

Junkyard Wall

in New River Rock Vol. 1

by Mike Williams

Wolverine Publishing

The popularity of this sector is no surprise. Classic moderates, great cracks,...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Junkyard Wall from New River Rock Vol. 1

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Andropov’s Cold5.11c
Ann’s Revenge5.8
Anomalous Propagation5.10a
Anxiety Neurosis5.11b
Beware of Euro-Dog5.11d
Bubba Meets Jesus5.11a
Cal n’ Hobbes5.11a
Churning in the Huecos5.10d
Crack Sap5.9
Danger in Paradise5.10b
Dragon De Swanze5.11a
Four Sheets to the Wind5.9★★★★
Jumpin’ Jack Flash5.7
Junk Yard Dog5.11b★★
Just Say No5.11a
Keep It Tight But Don’t Give Me AIDS 5.6
Lapping the Sap5.10a
Long Reach5.9
Mr. Ed5.8
Mystery Dance5.12c
New River Gunks5.7★★★
New Yosemite5.9★★★
Nine Lives5.11c★★
Princess Diana5.9
Rapscallion’s Blues5.10c★★★★
Reachers of Habit5.11b★★
Reaching New Heights5.11b
Rock Rash5.11a
Rusty Stud5.12b
Scott’s Turf Builder5.10b
Slip Trip5.11c
Stuck in Another Dimension5.11a★★★★
Team Jesus5.10b★★
The Contortionist5.9
The Distortionist5.6
The Entertainer5.10a★★★
The Hornet5.9
Walk in the Park5.8
Whales in Drag5.10a
Who Knows?5.7
Yew Nosemite5.12b


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