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New River Rock Vol. 1 cover

Zealous Area

in New River Rock Vol. 1

by Mike Williams

Wolverine Publishing

Downstream of the Junkyard Bouldering Cave is a nice stretch of cliff that...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Zealous Area from New River Rock Vol. 1

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Aimless Wanderers5.10d
Brother Sun5.12b★★
Brown Dirt Cowboy5.10c
Chased by Spiders to the Left5.9
Chasing Spiders to the Right5.7★★
Commuter Flight5.11a
Deviated Septum5.11a
Direct Deviation5.11a
Emotional Barbecue5.10d
Enemy Line5.10c
Faith Crack5.10c★★
I Just Eight5.8
Kansas Shitty5.10c
Lap Child5.12a★★
Modern Lovers5.11c
My Proving Ground 5.11c★★
Name It and Claim It5.11a
Never Alone5.8★★
Pilots of Bekaa5.12a★★
Poison Ivy5.10c
Spoon Fed5.9
Squids in Bondage5.9★★
Suck Face5.11a


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