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Oman: Muscat Sport Climbing cover

Spartacus area

in Oman: Muscat Sport Climbing

by Larry Michienzi

High concentration of hardish climbs here. One of the best being the namesake,...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Spartacus area from Oman: Muscat Sport Climbing

Climbs in alphabetical order:

7th heaven 5.11d/12a★★
Cookie Monster5.12b★★★
Doing it for the Biryani5.13c
Fearless leader5.13a/b★★★★
Hells gate5.13a★★★
Ride of the Valkyries5.12d★★★★
Spartacus 5.12c★★★★★
Spartacus Maximus5.13a★★★★
The Great Distension5.9


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