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Rumney cover

The Prudential

in Rumney

by Ward Smith

A destination crag that is a popular objective on rainy days, as many of the...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of The Prudential from Rumney

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Blue Sky and Rhino Horns5.8+★★
Boar War – Direct Start5.12a/b
Cranky Pants5.5
Horned Behavior5.12c★★★
Horned Behavior5.12c★★★
Losing your Life and Living Through It5.12c★★
Machine Head5.11d★★
Measured Doses5.11b
Midget Tricks5.11c
Mission Accomplished5.12a
Prudential Crack5.8+
Short and Sharp5.10c
Soft Job5.12d
Stoned Temple Pilot5.12a★★★
Swedish Fish (project)
Swedish Girls5.10d★★
The Practice5.12c
The Premium5.12d★★★★★
Tumbling Dice5.9
Ugly Crack5.10a
Wiggler Wants It5.12a


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