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Smoke Hole: Reed's Creek cover

Smoke Hole: Reed's Creek

by Mike Gray and Tyrel J. Johnson

Reed's Creek is a hidden gem of the Monongahela National Forest, conveniently located just ten miles north of the Franklin, WV off Route 220, near Upper Tract.

Set high on a sunny ridge above shady Reed Creek, the wall basks in winter sun and hides under the thick canopy in summer.

The crimpers, jugs, edges, and technical pumpfests of the Gypsies Wall, Hard Man Arete, The Reach, Grapevine Massacre, and Boneyard Walls, the wild lines of the RUN-DMC Cave, and the still very wild setting of the Monongahela National Forest are sure to please and challenge climbers young and old; wide-eyed beginners and seasoned experts alike.

Check out Reed's for yourself today!

Sectors in alphabetical order:

Area Info4 climbs
Bohemian Rhapsody Buttress4 climbs
Dangerous Freedoms9 climbs
Full Frontal Wall1 climbs
Gypsies Wall9 climbs
Hard Man Arete6 climbs
RUN-DMC Cave and Buttress9 climbs
SuperNatural Area11 climbs
The Boneyard12 climbs
The Ecstasy Tab1 climbs
The Reach14 climbs
West End Girls9 climbs


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