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Mexico: Peña de Bernal cover

Mexico: Peña de Bernal

by Simeon Heimowitz

Looking for stellar climbing, pristine weather, beautiful scenery, delicious food and an amazing town to relax in? Come and climb Peña de Bernal. At 7,000 feet in elevation and 1,300 miles North of the Equator the temperature in Central Mexico is perfect for climbing all year round.

This guidebook is the only fully comprehensive guide for La Peña available anywhere. Want to climb long multi pitch routes? Want to go cragging on single pitch routes in the shade all day? Anything and everything regarding Peña de Bernal is included in this guide.

Sectors in alphabetical order:

Upper Quiote Wall12 climbs
Bernalina Wall6 climbs
Bienvenido a La Peña de Bernal6 climbs
Boulder City8 climbs
Cara Norte5 climbs
Chichid’hó Buttress6 climbs
Corrugated Roof Area (Lower Wall)4 climbs
Corrugated Roof Area (Upper Wall)5 climbs
El Capitán Calzón (Shady Side Right)5 climbs
El Capitán Calzón (Shady Side)6 climbs
El Capitán Calzón (Sunny Side)11 climbs
El Capitán Corridor10 climbs
El Pilón3 climbs
Filo Wall2 climbs
Gondwana Wall3 climbs
King Kong Buttress4 climbs
La Ballena Area10 climbs
La Peña Gorda Buttress3 climbs
Los Picachos7 climbs
Lower Quiote Wall4 climbs
Peña Gorda7 climbs
Sunshine Wall; Cara Sur y Este8 climbs
The Apron, aka The Moderate Mecca 12 climbs
The Memorial Wall5 climbs
The Pit2 climbs
The Solar Collector10 climbs


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