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Mexico: Peña de Bernal cover

Sunshine Wall; Cara Sur y Este

in Mexico: Peña de Bernal

by Simeon Heimowitz

The Sunshine Wall is the furthest left wall on the monolith when looking up...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Sunshine Wall; Cara Sur y Este from Mexico: Peña de Bernal

Climbs in alphabetical order:

El Rosal 5.8-★★★
Filo Suroeste 5.10-★★★
Beginner 5.55.5★★★
Dihedral Route5.7-★★★
La Vaca Loca 5.10-★★★
Red Rock Route5.10-★★★
The Black Streak5.10-★★★★
Vuelo Sin Tí 5.10-★★★

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