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Ontario: Mount Nemo cover

Alfred Wall

in Ontario: Mount Nemo

by G. Alexandropoulos & J. Dwyer

If It Bleeds We Can Kill It

This is a popular climbing section due to the area’s many sport routes. On...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Alfred Wall from Ontario: Mount Nemo

Image 1 of 10

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Alfred Cave4th class
Alfred Gully5.0
Alfred Ramp5.1
As You Like It5.10c★★★
Be Strong, Eat Your Fiddleheads5.10b★★★
Crazy Legs Ale5.7★★★
Crazy Legs Stout5.9
Easy Chimney5.0
Evening Wall5.3
Live Bait5.10a★★★★
Lost in the Forest5.10b★★★★
Potato Bug5.3
Running Towards Nothing5.11a★★
Stand and Deliver5.11a★★★
Tender Flake Crux5.10a
The Seventh Origin of Alfred5.11b★★★★★
Vanna, Pick Me A Number!5.7★★★
Wide Load5.10a★★

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