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Ontario: Mount Nemo cover

Ontario: Mount Nemo

by G. Alexandropoulos & J. Dwyer

If It Bleeds We Can Kill It

Located just 45 minutes from Toronto, Mount Nemo is the premier crag in the Milton region. The over-2km long cliff has more than 350 routes ranging from easy trad adventures to challenging 5.12 sport classics. And thanks to the recent re-equipping of Nemo's many older routes, the cliff now also offers a significant number of moderate sport climbs. The crag's northern aspect ensures cool conditions making this an ideal climbing area during warmer weather.

Sectors in alphabetical order:

Alfred Wall20 climbs
Area Information4 climbs
Batcave Ledge10 climbs
Big And Dirty Section10 climbs
Cat’s Tail Wall19 climbs
Central Wall21 climbs
Ground Zero Ledge10 climbs
Heavy Metal Wall10 climbs
Helmut’s Wall13 climbs
Iguana Wall Area27 climbs
Ivory Tower5 climbs
Mid-Big Section18 climbs
Nemo North4 climbs
Respect For Marshall Area12 climbs
Retroland16 climbs
Stuck In The Middle Wall10 climbs
The Big Game Ledge Area23 climbs
The Big Gulp Area17 climbs
The Camel Area12 climbs
The Castle Wall9 climbs
The Corner Of Big And Vine6 climbs
The Curved Wall26 climbs in 4 sectors
The Dead Zone8 climbs
The Free Ledge8 climbs
The Gooseberry Wall13 climbs
The Morphine Ledge8 climbs
The Party On Pinnacle8 climbs
The Quiet Section17 climbs
The Turtle28 climbs in 4 sectors
The Vine Wall6 climbs
Traverses2 climbs
Was New In The 80s Wall8 climbs
White Trash Tom Area10 climbs


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