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Ontario: Mount Nemo cover

Central Wall

in Ontario: Mount Nemo

by G. Alexandropoulos & J. Dwyer

If It Bleeds We Can Kill It

This section is split by the massive Central Gully. In the early 1960s,...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Central Wall from Ontario: Mount Nemo

Image 1 of 12

Climbs in alphabetical order:

American Falls5.10c★★
Are You A Fireman? So Why The Big Hose?5.12b★★★
Cave Route5.4
Central Gully5.0
Death Block5.11b★★
Farewell Infidel5.11d
Journey’s End5.8★★★
Lunch Break5.8★★★
Mean Streak5.11c/d★★★★★
Nemo Crack5.10c
Polly Vicini5.7★★★★★
Side Splats and Decks5.5
Summertime Dream5.10b★★★
Ten Pound Lunker Bass5.11b★★
The Roof5.3★★★
Thunder Crack5.2
Weak and Fat. Will Work For Asparagus5.12a★★★★

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