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China: Yangshuo Rock 阳朔攀岩路书 cover

Treasure Cave 穿岩藏球

in China: Yangshuo Rock 阳朔攀岩路书

by Andrew Hedesh

AnZhu Publishing

The Treasure Cave is tall and slender tunneling completely through the center...
[Full text available in guidebook]

photo of Treasure Cave  穿岩藏球 from China: Yangshuo Rock 阳朔攀岩路书

Climbs in alphabetical order:

Adventure Race Groupies斗牛士5.9★★★
Arch Enemy 死对头5.11a
Ball and Chain 锁链5.12a★★★
Escape the Tourists 躲避游客5.10c★★
Fire Hydrant 消防栓5.11a★★
Fondled In Guilin 桂林十八摸5.12c★★★
Knives in the Attic 险境5.11a
Lawnmower Man 园丁5.11a★★★★
Little Three 小三5.11d
Losing Face 丢脸5.10b
Relief 宽慰5.11d
Seyon 赛安5.10b★★★★
Slasher 劈杀5.11a★★
Surprise Attack 突袭5.11c★★
Tunnel Jam 柳暗花明5.11c★★★
Tunnel Vision 隔岸观火5.11c★★★
Where's My Tyrolean 我的溜索在哪儿5.9
Windswept 风吹雨打5.11a★★


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