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Castle Rocks Rock Climbing
by Tony Calderone
A hike through Castle Rocks State Park leaves the visitor wondering if this place was made for climbers. A high altitude desert. Not mountainous, but with rocks everywhere. Some rising over 500 feet. The current version of this guidebook includes:
- 112 sport routes
- 227 traditional routes
- 7 toprope routes
- 10 boulder problems
New routes and photographs are constantly added to improve functionality. GPS navigation, bolt locations and route lengths set this Castle Rocks climbing guidebook apart from any other. And it is all in your pocket. With 356 routes, this is the largest collection of routes ever published to Castle Rocks. And it is all in your pocket.
- Explore Castle Rocks climbing like it was meant to be explored via our interactive trail map.
- rakkup guides you turn by turn to your climb then shows you a picture when you arrive. Awesome.
- Tap on a climb name, see where it’s located on the image. Tap on a climb bubble in the image, discover what climb it is. So nice…
- All Castle Rocks climbs at your fingertips.
- Too much to handle? Sort all those climbs to only the grades you want to see. Too hot? No prob, filter by in shade only.
- Tired of bad beta? Use local expert, Tony’s beta to send your next proj!
All digital purchases include 1 year of free updates. Updates will be available for an additional charge after that, depending on the extent of the updates. Rentals include updates during the term of the rental.
Go to web preview to see the sectors and routes included in this guidebook.