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Ferguson Canyon Rock Climbing
by Tony Calderone
Little Cottonwood Climbing | Big Cottonwood Climbing | Wasatch Front Bouldering | Wasatch Wilderness Climbing | Wasatch Bench Climbing
Ferguson Canyon is located between Big Cottonwood and Little Cottonwood Canyons, near Salt Lake City, Utah. The canyon is known for its welcoming atmosphere. Nearly all the routes are shaded all day long. In contrast to most local climbing areas, dogs are allowed here. Most of the routes are short, averaging 50 feet in length. And the nearby stream provides a swamp-cooling effect. With 160 routes to choose from, you will enjoy climbing here with the excellent beta provided by long-time local guide, Tony Calderone.
- Explore Ferguson Canyon like it was meant to be explored via our interactive trail map.
- rakkup guides you car to crag then shows you a picture when you arrive. Awesome.
- Tap on a climb name, see where it’s located on the image. Tap on a climb bubble in the image, discover what climb it is. So nice…
- Over 160 and growing Ferguson climbs at your fingertips.
- Too much to handle? Sort all those climbs to only the grades you want to see. Too hot? No prob, filter by in shade only.
- Tired of bad beta? Use local guide, Tony Calderone’s beta to send your next proj!
Print + digital bundle pricing includes $6.00 for shipping.
All digital purchases include 1 year of free updates. Updates will be available for an additional charge after that, depending on the extent of the updates. Rentals include updates during the term of the rental.
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