This tool will automatically import textual information from an inDesign file after paragraph & character styles have been mapped to XML tags properly. This can save many, many hours of manual data entry. Here are the high level steps to follow. Steps 4-9 are iterative. If you have any questions, contact Todd.
1. Download the rakkupTags.xml file. [wpdm_file id=4]
2. From InDesign use “Load Tags” to load the rakkupTags.xml file.
3. From InDesign’s “Map Styles to Tags” dialogue, map each paragraph or character style to it’s appropriate XML tag. The more consistently that unique data elements have their own unique styles the easier this process is.
4. If necessary, use InDesign’s “Find and Replace” to globally change textual elements into the style that maps to the appropriate XML tag.
5. After styles change, click on the “OK” button in the InDesign “Map Styles to Tags” dialogue. This creates a new document XML structure based on the current style to tag mappings. To make the XML structure visible, from the “View” menu select “Structure->Show Structure” InDesign’s structure pane should be visible now.
6. The XML structure order is important so that climb/problems/walls or sectors are assigned to their correct parent. The structure order is also important so that the correct left to right ordering is maintained. We have found that if the inDesign file was created in random order, the story structure will be in random order and require some re-ordering. Re-ordering the story structure does not affect document layout. Within an individual story the text ordering matches the document layout order. Drag and drop story containers to re-order them. The correct ordering should be Parent Walls/Sectors->Sub Walls/Sectors->Climbs/Problems, Parent Walls/Sectors->Sub Walls/Sectors->Climbs/Problems.
7. Export InDesign’s XML structure, “File->Export Format:XML.
8. Use parseXML and “Choose File” Select the XML file created in step 7.
9. At this point you should see a preview of the data that can be imported into your rakkup authoring database. Nothing has been imported to your authoring database yet. The preview should be inspected carefully to find & fix style to tag mapping issues iteratively. Sub-walls should immediately follow their parent walls. Climb/problems should be indented underneath their parent wall/boulder. Missing fields will be in red. A missing field could mean a style to tag mapping issue or it could mean that information simply does not exist. If the inDesign file simply does not contain the missing information, those missing warnings can be ignored.
10. Once your XML import preview looks pretty good, please ask Todd to inspect it as well, before importing into the database by using the “Import Data” button. We want to ensure that your data is as good as it can be before importing.
-For wall name tags ZWALL-ZNAME-3 is the highest level parent wall. ZWALL-ZNAME is the lowest level wall, or the one that the climbs or problems should be attached to.
-Stars used for quality are usually represented by characters. Let us know what characters your quality stars use and we’ll figure it out.
-For elements you want to ignore use ZCLIMB-IGNORE or ZWALL-IGNORE. Anything in an ignore tag will be ignored.
-For all grades including bouldering, use ZCLIMB-ydsGRADE.
-Be sure to tag climb/problem names with the name tag that contains the correct climb type.